Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will help you and others lead a healthier life. Join this program and

  • be more active with friends and family,
  • make better nutrition choices,
  • and walk away your stress.

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Walk Kansas App

Team Challenges

Each team chooses one of these challenges. As your team moves through your selected trail, learn about points of interest through the online map.

Challenge 1 - 8 Wonders Each person reaches the minimum goal for physical activity -- 150 minutes per week. Collectively, the team would walk 435 miles as they discover the 8 Wonders of Kansas!

Challenge 2 - Cross Country A winding trail from Troy to Elkhart, requiring each person to log 4 hours per week, traveling 764 miles total.

Challenge 3 - Little Balkans to Nicodemus Walk the SE part of the state known as the Little Balkans and then wind up and around to Nicodemus. This team will go 1200 miles and require each person to log 6 hours per week.

Forms and Information

Guide for Captains

Captain Log

Team Registration form - contact your local Extension office